Latest React Themes

The latest React themes, templates and starters sorted by submission date.

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Shadcn Charts screenshot

Shadcn UI official chart library built with Recharts. Copy / Paste component library.

Makerkit Boilerplate screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. Nextjs, Supabase, Tailwind+. Auth, Multi-Tenancy, Stripe, Blogging, Docs and Marketing pages.

Mern App screenshot

Basic MERN app template for AWS EC2 Deployment guide

Vite Template screenshot

Vite SSR BOOST template

Wrappid App screenshot

A frontend boilerplate template application built for using Wrappid framework, which enables simultaneous development of web and mobile application

default image

This is a React Native AirBnB clone using Clerk for user authentication.

Apple Iphone 3d Landing Page Starter Code screenshot

Create awesome landing page for Apple iPhone 14 using Three JS and React JS. This website uses threeJS to render 3D model of iPhone and GSAP for scrolling animations. If you want to learn how to create this website then you can follow tutorial link given in the ReadMe.

Clerk Nextjs Demo App Router screenshot

Auth starts here with the official Next.js starter utilizing the app directory

Cra Starter screenshot

thirdweb starter project with Create React App & TypeScript

Material Compact screenshot

Helper to create compact @mui/material theme

Mui Image screenshot

⚛ React component to display images as per the Material Design guidelines. For apps using Material-UI v5.

Next Mantine Biome screenshot

A minimal starter kit for Next.js App Router, Mantine v7, and Biome.
