React remix

Saasrock - Remix Fullstack Boilerplate screenshot

️The SaaS Boilerplate to build your MVP with +25 built-in SaaS features: Auth, Admin portal, App dashboard, Stripe Subscriptions, Workflows, Blog, Knowledge Base, Entity Builder (auto-generated CRUD and API), Events, Email Marketing, Page Blocks, Notifications, Onboarding, Feature Flags, and more.

Makerkit Boilerplate screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. Nextjs, Supabase, Tailwind+. Auth, Multi-Tenancy, Stripe, Blogging, Docs and Marketing pages.

Remix Page Blocks screenshot

Simple page block editor with Remix and Tailwind CSS.

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Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with Javascript

Remix Project screenshot

Remix is a browser-based compiler and IDE that enables users to build Ethereum contracts with Solidity language and to debug transactions. screenshot

My personal website

Portfolio screenshot

My personal portfolio website built using React and three js

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Simple Authentication for Remix

Berry Free React Admin Template screenshot

Berry free react material-ui admin template for easing and faster web development.

Hydrogen screenshot

Hydrogen lets you build faster headless storefronts in less time, on Shopify.

Generouted screenshot

Generated file-based routes for Vite

Web screenshot



Search and preview themes from the VS Code Marketplace.

Hackernews Remix React screenshot

Hacker News clone written with universal TypeScript, using React and Remix.

Mistcss screenshot

Write atomic React components using only CSS! (JS-from-CSS™) 🌬️

Sora screenshot



A web app for exploring movies, tv shows and anime built with Remix and NextUI

Openalternative screenshot

A community driven list of open source alternatives to proprietary software and applications.

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Zod utilities for Remix loaders and actions.

Hwy screenshot



Hwy is a minimalist, Go-based Next.js alternative with nested routing. Works with React or Preact.

Remix Image screenshot

A React component for responsive images in Remix

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Open source wrapper for react-hook-form aimed at

Zoom Image screenshot

A little yet powerful framework agnostic headless library to zoom images on the web

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Open source wrapper for react-hook-form aimed at

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Electron integration for Remix ⚛💿

Remix Cloudflare Template screenshot

📜 All-in-one remix starter template for Cloudflare Pages

Examples screenshot

Integration Examples with Directus

Remix Cloudflare Template screenshot

📜 All-in-one remix starter template for Cloudflare Pages

Examples screenshot

Integration Examples with Directus

Trance Stack screenshot

A production-ready Remix stack built for AWS Lambda. Authentication. Security, Internationalization, Feature Flags, Analytics, Tests, Storybook, Ephemeral and Production CI/CD and more.

Kpop Stack screenshot

Create a Remix app with Netlify, Tailwind, TypeScript and more!

Roadmap screenshot

Roadmap voting app for sharing product plan and get customer feedback.

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Remix with brilliant bells and useful whistles screenshot

Competitive Splatoon Hub

Nba Remix screenshot

A simple app to show NBA games and scores/details. screenshot

Public site for Virtual Coffee

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Utilities for using GraphQL with a Remix app

Remix Cloudflare Demo screenshot

A demo of Remix running on Cloudflare workers.

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remix development, streamlined

Storefront Remix Starter screenshot

A storefront starter kit for Vendure built with Remix

Remix Blocks screenshot

Ready-to-use Remix + Tailwind CSS routes and components.

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:leafy_green: OpenAPI to React Query (or SWR) & Axios

Sanity Remix Template screenshot

Sanity Studio v3 embedded into a Remix Vite application configured for Vercel hosting with visual editing

Remix Shadcn screenshot

Remix + Vite + shadcn/ui starter template.

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A template for deploying Remix to AWS with the Serverless framework

Veltrends screenshot

Veltrends is a website website where users can explore trending tech news.

Rewinds screenshot

⏪ Rewinds – Remix Tailwind Stack with React, Radix UI, Zod, Conform, Prisma ORM, MySQL on PlanetScale, Vercel, and more

Examples Es screenshot

Examples for using Connect with various TypeScript web frameworks and tooling. screenshot

🏠 my home on the web

Preview Kit screenshot

General purpose live previews, like next-sanity

Remix Tutorial Walkthrough screenshot

I live streamed working through the Remix Jokes App Tutorial

Douyu Monitor screenshot


Rewinds Legacy screenshot

⏪ The Remix Stack with Tailwind - New repo:

Carbon screenshot

Carbon is a high-performance, open-source, single tenant (incomplete) ERP written in Typescript. It allows customers, suppliers, and employees to share a common platform that's easy to extend.

Interactive Remix Routing screenshot

Interactive app to demonstrate how routing works in Remix

Chessguessr screenshot

Guess the continuation of a chess game

Remix Easy Mode screenshot

Simple, typesafe toolkit for developing highly interactive Remix apps. Inspired by TRPC. screenshot

Kelas Rumah Berbagi screenshot

The code behind

Boilerplate screenshot

🔆 Fullstack boilerplate using Remix, Next.js, Expo, Prisma, TypeScript, tRPC and many more!

Remix Knowledge Base screenshot

Knowledge Base starter kit with WYSIWYG, Markdown, GPT, and Multi-language support. Built with Remix, Tailwind CSS and Prisma.

Pilot screenshot

Pilot - Shopify Hydrogen Theme, power by Weaverse Hydrogen Theme Customizer.

Remixpress screenshot

✏ RemixPress is a presentation layer built with React, Remix, MUI and GraphQl that works with Wordress as a headless CMS

Remix Knowledge Base screenshot

Knowledge Base starter kit with WYSIWYG, Markdown, GPT, and Multi-language support. Built with Remix, Tailwind CSS and Prisma.