React nextui

Sora screenshot



A web app for exploring movies, tv shows and anime built with Remix and NextUI

Nextui Dashboard Template screenshot

Dashboard starter using NextUI V2 and Nextjs.

Next App Template screenshot

A Next.js 13 with app directory template pre-configured with NextUI (v2) and Tailwind CSS.

Landing Template Nextui screenshot

Landing page for any SaaS company, using Nextjs and NextUI

Nextui Dashboard screenshot

Dashboard sample using NextUI and NextJS

Next Pages Template screenshot

A Next.js 13 with pages directory template pre-configured with NextUI (v2) and Tailwind CSS.

Portfolio screenshot

Simple and minimalist portfolio using Nextjs and NextUI.

Limetta screenshot

Elevate your financial management with Limetta. Our user-friendly Next.js app simplifies expense tracking, offers multiple account management, easy money transfers, and efficient dues tracking.

Nextui Saas Template screenshot

This project is a starter template for SaaS applications landing page using Next.js 14, NextUI v2, and Tailwind CSS.

Next Ui Starter Template screenshot

🌵 Next.js + NextUI - It's here 🎉 A clean and focus on ease-to-use starter template with some cool features. With 💜 by Vilictus.

Next Ui Starter Template screenshot

🌵 Next.js + NextUI - It's here 🎉 A clean and focus on ease-to-use starter template with some cool features. With 💜 by Vilictus.

Next Ui Starter Template screenshot

🌵 Next.js + NextUI - It's here 🎉 A clean and focus on ease-to-use starter template with some cool features. With 💜 by Vilictus.