React mantine

Homarr screenshot



Customizable browser's home page to interact with your homeserver's Docker containers (e.g. Sonarr/Radarr)

Mantine Datatable screenshot

The table component for your Mantine data-rich applications, supporting asynchronous data loading, column sorting, custom cell data rendering, context menus, nesting, Gmail-style batch row selection, dark theme, and more.

Ship screenshot



A toolkit for makers to ship better products faster 🚀

Next App Template screenshot

Mantine + Next.js app router template (7.0+)

Mantine Admin screenshot

A Modern Admin Dashboard with Mantine7/React/NextJS

Modern Desktop App Template screenshot

Tauri & ReactJS boilerplate for a modern desktop application. Not a project nor a substitute for my Tauri video tutorials.

Mantine Analytics Dashboard screenshot

A free, open source, Next 14, React 18 admin dashboard template created using Mantine 7

Mantine Contextmenu screenshot

Craft your applications for productivity and meet your users’ expectations by enhancing your Mantine-based UIs with a desktop-grade, lightweight yet fully-featured, dark-theme aware context-menu component, built by the creator of Mantine DataTable.

Mantine Template screenshot

Simple SPA responsive template made with React and Mantine for showcase websites.

Vite Template screenshot

Mantine + Vite template

Remix Template screenshot

Remix + Mantine template

Next App Min Template screenshot

Mantine + Next.js app router template (7.0+)

Next Pages Min Template screenshot

Mantine + Next.js template

default image

A beautiful Portfolio template, made with made with React,Vite & Mantine, deployed using netlify.

Vite Min Template screenshot

Mantine + Vite template

Rapid Next screenshot

âš¡ A Starter project for starting new React JS development with common features already preconfigured out of the box

Rapid Next screenshot

âš¡ A Starter project for starting new React JS development with common features already preconfigured out of the box

default image

NX monorepository with: Vite, GraphQL / Apollo, Typescript, Storybook / CSS Modules / Mantine

Gatsby Template screenshot

Mantine + Gatsby.js template

Essencium Frontend screenshot

Next.js based starter monorepo consisting of a component library, types, docs and a boilerplate application.

Next Power Starter screenshot

A powerful âš¡ starter template with simplicity and flexibility in mind