React headless-ui

Remix Page Blocks screenshot

Simple page block editor with Remix and Tailwind CSS.

Nextbase Nextjs Supabase Starter screenshot

๐Ÿš€โšก๏ธ Free Boilerplate and Starter kit for Next.js 14+, Supabase, Tailwind CSS 3.2 and TypeScript. ๐Ÿš€ Next.js ๐Ÿ”ฅ Supabase ๐Ÿ’ป TypeScript ๐Ÿ’š ESLint ๐ŸŽจ Prettier ๐Ÿถ Husky ๐Ÿงน Lint-Staged ๐Ÿงช Jest ๐Ÿงช Testing Library ๐Ÿ•น๏ธ Playwright โœ๏ธ Commitizen ๐Ÿ’ฌ Commitlint ๐Ÿ’ป VSCode ๐ŸŒช๏ธ Vercel ๐ŸŽจ PostCSS ๐Ÿƒ Tailwind CSS โš›๏ธ React Query

W3T Stablo Astro Blog screenshot

Stablo is a minimal blog website template built with Next.js, TailwindCSS & Sanity CMS

Commerce screenshot

Next.js Commerce

Tremor screenshot



React components to build charts and dashboards

Open React Template screenshot

A free React / Next.js landing page template designed to showcase open source projects, SaaS products, online services, and more. Made by

Magicui screenshot

UI Library for Design Engineers. Animated components and effects you can copy and paste into your apps. Free. Open Source.

Tailwind Landing Page Template screenshot

Simple Light is a free landing page template built on top of TailwindCSS and fully coded in React / Next.js. Made by

React Resume Template screenshot

A personal resume website template built with React.js, Typescript, Next.js, and styled with Tailwind css

Vscode Front Matter screenshot

Front Matter is a CMS running straight in Visual Studio Code. Can be used with static site generators like Hugo, Jekyll, Hexo, NextJs, Gatsby, and many more...

Catalog screenshot

The Magic Patterns Catalog is an open-source website that lists the most popular React component libraries, helping you find the perfect component.

default image

A starter kit to build *local-only* AI apps that cost $0 to run -- starting with document Q&A. Written in Javascript

Nextjs Starter Medusa screenshot

A performant frontend ecommerce starter template with Next.js 14 and Medusa.

Ultimate Saas Ts screenshot

Template to quickstart a SAAS business

default image

An application / authentication starter kit frontend in Next.js for Laravel Breeze.

Keep React screenshot

Keep React is an open-source component library built on Tailwind CSS and React.js. It provides a versatile set of pre-designed UI components to build modern web applications.

React Portfolio Template screenshot

Modern React Portfolio Template (FREE)

Nextacular screenshot

An open-source starter kit that will help you build full-stack multi-tenant SaaS platforms efficiently and help you focus on developing your core SaaS features. Built on top of popular and modern technologies such as Next JS, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe.

Nextacular screenshot

An open-source starter kit that will help you build full-stack multi-tenant SaaS platforms efficiently and help you focus on developing your core SaaS features. Built on top of popular and modern technologies such as Next JS, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe.

Storefront screenshot

Saleor Storefront built with React 18, Next.js 14, App Router, TypeScript, GraphQL, and Tailwind CSS.

default image

Fullstack Next.js E-Commerce made with NextAuth + Prisma, Docker + TypeScript + React Query + Stripe + Tailwind Sentry and much more ๐Ÿ›’

Llama Chat screenshot

A boilerplate for creating a Llama 2 chat app

default image

A production ready, scalable starter template for Vite + React

React Landing Page Template 2021 screenshot

A sleek plug n play react landing page template.

Nextjs Starter screenshot

A starter project for next js with authentication - Contains React 17 + Typescript + Tailwind CSS 2 + React Query 3 + GitHub Auth + LinkedIn Auth + Password-less Auth + Fauna DB + ESLint + Prettier + Husky

Syntaxui screenshot

Get free access to pre-built, Tailwind CSS-powered components, animations and effects - brought to life using Framer Motion. Just copy, paste and you're ready to go!

Shopify Next.js Tailwind screenshot

Learn the Shopify + Next.js + Tailwind CSS Stack! SWR, Hydrogen, + more

Openai Translator screenshot

A translator that uses OpanAI.

Blog screenshot



๐Ÿš€ My personal blog made with Tailwind CSS and NextJS. Template from Timlrx. Feel free to fork, follow and use.

default image

Solana blockchain candy machine app boilerplate on top of Metaplex Candy Machine. NextJS, Tailwind, Anchor, SolanaLabs.React, dev/mainnet automation scripts.

Vite React Ts Tailwind Firebase Starter screenshot

Starter using Vite + React + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS. And already set up Firebase(v9), Prettier and ESLint.

Basetool screenshot

Open-source internal tool framework. ๐Ÿ’ช Empower your team and collaborators to view and manage the data you already own in a nice easy-to-use protected tool. Basetool helps you have a better handle on your data in a collaborative way so you can focus on moving your business forward.

Discord Bot Website screenshot

It belongs to the website theme of the MusicMaker discord bot with a magnificent design made with react. An eye-pleasing website with advanced and beautiful tailwind designs.

Kaminari screenshot

Next.js project starter. Configured with tailwindcss and shadcn-ui

Craftzdog Uses screenshot

A curated list of the tech I use, built with Astro and Tailwind CSS

Portfolio screenshot

Photo Portfolio w/ Next.js + TailwindCSS + Contentful

Roadmap screenshot

Roadmap voting app for sharing product plan and get customer feedback.

default image

Remix with brilliant bells and useful whistles

Next Tailwind Amazona screenshot

Build Ecommerce Like Amazon By NEXT JS

Kara Shop screenshot

KARA - Ecommerce built with T3 Stack : NextJS, TypeScript, tRPC, Prisma, NextAuth and styled with Tailwind CSS

Fama screenshot



TailwindCSS based personal branding template. Built with react and framer-motion screenshot

Competitive Splatoon Hub

Tina Cloud Starter screenshot

Next.js starter for TinaCMS: live edit your website visually ๐Ÿช„ screenshot

Public site for Virtual Coffee

Next App Starter screenshot

Another awesome starter for your app base on nextjs + tailwind + react-query + zod + react-hook-form + next-auth + jotai

Storefront Remix Starter screenshot

A storefront starter kit for Vendure built with Remix

Remix Blocks screenshot

Ready-to-use Remix + Tailwind CSS routes and components.

B screenshot

My personal website made with Next.js, Tailwind, MDX, Radix Primitives, Framer Motion, all on Vercel. screenshot

This is the โœจ source code for my personal website, built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Contentlayer, and ๐Ÿš€ deployed on Vercel ๐Ÿ”ผ. You can use this repository as a template to build your own personal website. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Commercelayer Sanity Template screenshot

A multi-country ecommerce template built with Commerce Layer, Next.js, Sanity studio, and deployed to Netlify.

SyntaxUI screenshot

Get free access to pre-built, Tailwind CSS-powered components, animations and effects - brought to life using Framer Motion. Just copy, paste and you're ready to go! screenshot

Information about our community

Windy screenshot

A React UI Kit based on Tailwind

Aether Design System screenshot

๐Ÿ”† Aether serves as the building block for some of my team projects.

Thvu Blog screenshot

My digital home on the internet.

Personal Dashboard screenshot

Personal Dashboard for my services

Rewinds screenshot

โช Rewinds โ€“ Remix Tailwind Stack with React, Radix UI, Zod, Conform, Prisma ORM, MySQL on PlanetScale, Vercel, and more

VSCode_Template screenshot

Portfolio Website Template Based On VSCode Theme

Next 14 Saas Boilerplate screenshot

Professional boilerplate to develop SaaS in a weekend with a powerful and scalable stack. - Next 14 - Clerk - Tailwind CSS, TypeScript - Prisma

Nextjs Wagmi screenshot

Minimal Typescript / NextJS dApp template bootstrapped with wagmi Ethereum react hooks library.

Rewinds Legacy screenshot

โช The Remix Stack with Tailwind - New repo:

Supa Stripe Stack screenshot

A Remix & Stripe Stack, backed by Supabase (driven by Prisma), that integrates authentication, subscriptions (multi-currency, month and year intervals) and handling tier limit.