React firebase

Makerkit Boilerplate screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. Nextjs, Supabase, Tailwind+. Auth, Multi-Tenancy, Stripe, Blogging, Docs and Marketing pages.

Divjoy React Boilerplate Generator screenshot

Customize and generate a full-stack React boilerplate. React, Nextjs, Tailwind, Bootstrap, Firebase, Supabase and many more combinations.

Kickstart App screenshot

Kickstart is the Nextjs boilerplate for building apps fast.

Next.js screenshot



The React Framework

React Starter Kit screenshot

The web's most popular Jamstack front-end template (boilerplate) for building web applications with React

React Native Firebase screenshot

🔥 A well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native. Supports both iOS & Android platforms for all Firebase services.

Material Kit React screenshot

React Dashboard made with Material UI’s components. Our pro template contains features like TypeScript version, authentication system with Firebase and Auth0 plus many other

React Firebase Starter screenshot

Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay

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Hacker News clone rewritten with universal JavaScript, using React and GraphQL.

React Most Wanted screenshot

React starter kit with "Most Wanted" application features

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A React Native library providing support for Apple Authentication on iOS and Android.

Firecms screenshot

Awesome Firebase/Firestore-based CMS. The missing admin panel for your Firebase project!

Firecms screenshot

Awesome Firebase/Firestore-based CMS. The missing admin panel for your Firebase project!

React Firebase Authentication screenshot

🔥 Boilerplate Project for Authentication with Firebase in React.

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A React Native app - Clone Instagram mobile app

React Native Oauth screenshot

A react-native wrapper for social authentication login for both Android and iOS

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Using React Native with Firebase

Web screenshot



Supercharged version of Create React App with all the bells and whistles.

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A firestack v3 react-native implementation

Nextjs Firebase Authentication screenshot

Next.js + Firebase Starter

React Native Starter screenshot

Professional react-native starter kit with everything you'll ever need to deploy rock solid apps

React Social Network screenshot

Simple React Social Network

React Native Starter Kit screenshot

React Native Starter Kit with Firebase Auth and Facebook Login

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🔥⚛️📱 Expo + Firebase Starter Kit

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A simple grocery list app with offline support, built with React Native, Redux, Firebase

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Facebook Messenger Implementation using react-native

React Firebase Admin screenshot

React ⚛️ starter kit with Firebase 🔥 and Bulma for setting up an admin dashboard - Highly scalable, PWA, Serverless

React Native Firebase screenshot

React Native Firebase Starter Project with Auth, Firestore, Storage and Push Notifications

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:volcano: React + Redux + Firebase + Webpack + React Hot Loader 3 + React Router in one boilerplate

Amazon Starter Template Nextjs screenshot

This is the Official Starter template for the AMAZON 5 Day challenge (The SECRET Challenge!) - Next.js | React.js | Tailwind CSS | Redux | Tailwind | Firebase

React Gatsby Firebase Authentication screenshot

🐣🔥Starter Project / Boilerplate for Authentication with Firebase and plain React in Gatsby.js

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:fire: :rocket: React, Redux, Firebase Boilerplate

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The ultimate React Native starter using Firebase, Mobx, CodePush, OneSignal made with ♥

React Redux Firebase Authentication screenshot

🔥Boilerplate Project for Authentication with Firebase in React and Redux

React Native For Designers screenshot

React Native for Designers course

Ant Design Pro Plus screenshot

✨ 基于 ant-design-pro 做一些微小的工作

Vite React Ts Tailwind Firebase Starter screenshot

Starter using Vite + React + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS. And already set up Firebase(v9), Prettier and ESLint.

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E-commerce website using React, Redux, Hooks, Stripe and Firebase

Fireadmin screenshot

Application for Managing Firebase Applications. Includes support for multiple environments and data migrations

Firefly screenshot

Web app boilerplate for beginners based on Firebase and React 🔥

Roadmap screenshot

Roadmap voting app for sharing product plan and get customer feedback.

Learn React Router 6 screenshot

Starter code for each scrim in Bob Ziroll's Learn React Router 6 course on Scrimba! ⚛️

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Real-time chat app using Firebase, React, TailwindCSS, MongoDB, Node/Express, and

Nextjs Pwa Firebase Boilerplate screenshot

Next.js serverless PWA with Firebase boilerplate

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🔥 Native Firebase Expo App (iOS, Android) Demo for Firestore, Notifications, Analytics, Storage, Messaging, Database 🚨

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Todo Application using ReactJs, Firebase, Express and MaterialUI

React Firestore Authentication screenshot

🔥Boilerplate Project for Authentication with Firestore in React.

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Banking app built in React, Redux, TypeScript, Node, Strapi screenshot

⚡ Dynamic Portfolio Website built with Next.js, Chakra UI and Contentful!

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Starter For Firebase, React Native, Redux Applications With 100% Of Code In Common Between IOS And Android, with built In Authentication, Crud Example And Form Validation.

Doctor Appointment screenshot

A doctor appointment can be obtained by a patient through this website.

Doctor Appointment screenshot

A doctor appointment can be obtained by a patient through this website.

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Fully customizable Web Admin/Dashboard starter kit based on React

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A taxi booking app with two parts, the driver and the rider part. The rider needs to request a ride and wait for the driver to start the trip if the request is accepted. This app is written in js(ES6) with the react-native framework and firebase as our BAAS(replaced with ExpressJs). You need to d...

Nextjs Pwa Graphql Sql Boilerplate screenshot

Next.js serverless PWA with GraphQL (Postgraphile, Apollo) + Postgres SQL boilerplate screenshot

My personal website built with Next.js, Chakra UI, Firebase, and next-mdx-remeote.

Netflix Clone React Node screenshot

Netflix Clone built using React, Redux Toolkit, Firebase, Styled Components, Axios, Node.js, Express and MongoDB.

Discord Clone screenshot

Discord (with unique roles in each server, image, audio sharing, auto render video links in messages, discord loading logo between page renderings) with React, React Router, Material UI, SASS, Styled components and firebase CRUD

React Mobx Firebase Authentication screenshot

🔥Boilerplate Project for Authentication with Firebase in React and MobX

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A dynamic web app to track life goals and progress on timelines, with media uploading capability. Built with Node.js, Firebase, React, Victory, & Material-UI

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A React Native project boilerplate for producing reliable applications.

Nextjs With Firebase screenshot

NextJS boiler-plate with Google's Firebase integrated. Watch on YouTube:

Reddit Clone screenshot

Reddit Clone with REACTJS (Next.js, Firebase v9, Chakra UI, TypeScript, Recoil, (Image Uploading, Google Authentication, Create Community, Join Community, Leave Community, Upvote and Downvote Posts), Dark Mode & Light Mode, Data Encryption and Decryption)

Nextjs Now Firebase screenshot

Next.js + ZEIT Now + Firebase [template]