React daisyui

Remix Page Blocks screenshot

Simple page block editor with Remix and Tailwind CSS.

Saas Starter Kit screenshot

🔥 Enterprise SaaS Starter Kit - Kickstart your enterprise app development with the Next.js SaaS boilerplate 🚀

Gitprofile screenshot

🚀 Create and deploy a dynamic portfolio by just providing your GitHub username.

Daisyui Admin Dashboard Template screenshot

Free admin dashboard template using Daisy UI, React js and Tailwind CSS

Daisyui Admin Dashboard Template screenshot

Free admin dashboard template using Daisy UI, React js and Tailwind CSS

Basejump screenshot

Easily add auth, teams and billing to your Supabase app

Lccn_predictor screenshot

LeetCode Contest Rating Prediction

Chatgpt Pro screenshot

ChatGPT-Pro is an advanced application that combines the power of ChatGPT and DALL.E.

Openai Translator screenshot

A translator that uses OpanAI.

Create Dapp Solana Nextjs screenshot

Scaffolding for a Solana dapp using TS, Next.JS, Tailwinds CSS, and Daisy UI

Dapp Starter screenshot

Opinionated Dapp Starter Template provides a solid foundation for building Ethereum-based applications. It incorporates various tools and frameworks such as React, Next.js, Hardhat, TypeChain, web3-react, daisyUI Tailwind CSS Components, and OpenZeppelin.

Vite React Ts Tailwind Firebase Starter screenshot

Starter using Vite + React + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS. And already set up Firebase(v9), Prettier and ESLint.

default image

Chatbot starter with GPT3, Twilio, and React

Roadmap screenshot

Roadmap voting app for sharing product plan and get customer feedback.

default image

Remix with brilliant bells and useful whistles

Daymd screenshot


Remix Cloudflare Demo screenshot

A demo of Remix running on Cloudflare workers.

Typescript Eth Starter screenshot

🔌 Ethereum Dapp Basic Typescript Starter

Ai Fusion Kit screenshot

A feature-rich, highly customizable AI Web App Template, empowered by Next.js.

Nextjs Ecommerce screenshot

E-commerce App using NEXTJS 13 , TypeScript , SWR , Redux toolkit , Mongoose , react hook forms

Nextjs Typescript And Mongodb screenshot

A Next.js template with Prisma, MongoDB, TailwindCSS, Shadcn, Zod and Next auth

Hacktoberfest Projects screenshot

A website which lets you find eligible repositories for Hacktoberfest 2023!

Readme Generator screenshot

A fully featured editor with drag and drop interface to easily build READMEs

Chessguessr screenshot

Guess the continuation of a chess game

Nextjs Solana Starter Kit screenshot

Build your own Solana dApp with NextJS and TypeScript

Portfolio screenshot

open source portfolio, made with Nextjs and tailwindcss

Nextus screenshot

Nextus is a comprehensive, versatile and modern website template based on Nextjs and Directus technologies. It helps you build various types of websites more quickly. 一个完整全面、且多功能的现代化网站模板,基于Nextjs和Directus技术。帮助你更快速地构建各种类型的网站。

Feliz.DaisyUI screenshot

Feliz wrapper for DaisyUI TailwindCSS component library

Wasedatime Web screenshot

An unofficial web app for syllabus searching, classroom finding, and bus schedule checking at Waseda University.

NEXTjs Boilerplate screenshot

This is a boilerplate for a Next.js 14 app with user management, login, permissions, and more. It uses TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI, Prisma, Postgres, React Table and React Query. Contributions welcome under the MIT License. screenshot

MSN PRODUCTION is a company that provides services for creating websites, mobile applications, branding & creative content, as well as internet marketing & advertising according to your business needs at low prices with luxurious quality.

RayVox screenshot

Audio and Video transcription with whisper API and Next.js

Directed Stack screenshot

Directus + Remix full-stack starter

Lecoindujazz screenshot

Le Coin Du Jazz online ticket sales

Mern Ticket screenshot

Tikons "MERN TICKET" (MongoDB, Express, React & Nodejs)

Builderz Solana Dapp Scaffold screenshot

Builderz Solana dApp Scaffold (Nextjs14, App Dir, Typescript, TailwindCSS, MaterialUI, web3.js, ThemeSwitch (Dark/Light), Sonner Toast Notifications, Modal & Drawer)

Beenote screenshot

Full stack AI web application for languge learning built with Next.js and ChatGPT

Daisyui Nextjs Landing Page screenshot

A free landing page template using Daisy UI and Next JS

Railgun screenshot

Opinionated Vite + React starter template.

Daisyui Nextjs Landing Page screenshot

A free landing page template using Daisy UI and Next JS

Bun Htmx screenshot

An example app using Bun's built-in HTTP server + HTMX + TailwindCSS + DaisyUI

PopShop screenshot

eCommerce Shoping Platform based on ReactTS & Daisy UI, integrating Supabase

Rainbow Riot screenshot

🌈 Easily transform your images into stunning color palettes with a click. Perfect for designers and developers.

Daisyui Starterkit screenshot

DaisyUI boilerplate to start your React project in seconds.

Kit Stack screenshot

A svelte fullstack starter kit inspired by create-t3-app with variuos added bonuses

Notion Blog Kit screenshot

A statically generated blog using Next.js, Notion Api.

Chatgpt Abc screenshot

⚡️ChatGPT-ABC is an advanced application that brings together the strengths of ChatGPT and DALL.E. This top-notch app gives you the flexibility to switch between different versions of ChatGPT. One of the standout features of ChatGPT-ABC is its ability to save chat conversations right to your local...

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Genshin Impact guides, database and other tools in a form of a web application written in React