React create-react-app

Create React Library screenshot

CLI for creating reusable react libraries.

React Firebase Starter screenshot

Boilerplate (seed) project for creating web apps with React.js, GraphQL.js and Relay

Portfolio screenshot

My self coded personal website build with React.js

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React Boilerplate Cra Template screenshot

:fire: Setup Create React App with React Boilerplate. Highly scalable & Best DX & Performance Focused & Best practices.

Generact screenshot

Generate React components by replicating your own

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Template for setting up a TypeScript monorepo

React Firebase Authentication screenshot

🔥 Boilerplate Project for Authentication with Firebase in React.

Create React App Redux screenshot

React Router, Redux, Redux Thunk & Create React App boilerplate

React Native Web Monorepo screenshot

Code sharing between iOS, Android & Web using monorepo

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React component prototyping tool that generates fully connected class component code.

Web screenshot



Supercharged version of Create React App with all the bells and whistles.

React App screenshot

Create React App with server-side code support

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React NPM library starter kit based on Facebook's create react app

React Social Network screenshot

Simple React Social Network

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A simple and fully customizable React Native component that implements a status/stories feature similar to Whatsapp & Instagram ⭐✨🌟

Example Create React App Express screenshot

Example on using create-react-app with a Node Express Backend

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Create modern, React-enabled WordPress themes with a single command.

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Enjoy React, Redux, and React-Router, with zero build configuration.

Cra Template Codely screenshot

<🌱⚛️> Create React App Codely template

React Modern Library Boilerplate screenshot

Boilerplate for publishing modern React modules with Rollup

React Redux Firebase Authentication screenshot

🔥Boilerplate Project for Authentication with Firebase in React and Redux

Material Ui Superselectfield screenshot

multiselection autocomplete dropdown component for Material-UI

React Homework Template screenshot

React course homework template

Firefly screenshot

Web app boilerplate for beginners based on Firebase and React 🔥

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blog-admin @react、@typescript、@apollographql

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Start building full stack dApps fast with this starter kit!

Wanna screenshot

💡✔ Wanna is an implementation of a 21st-century to-do list app.

React Firestore Authentication screenshot

🔥Boilerplate Project for Authentication with Firestore in React.

Portfolio V2 screenshot

Second iteration of my portfolio - created using ReactJS, Material-UI, Overmind, etc

React Antd Admin screenshot

基于vite2.x + react17.x + typescript4.x + antd4.x + react-router6.x + mobx6.x编写的一款简单高效的前后端分离的权限管理系统

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A tutorial on how to set up a Cordova project using Create React App.

Now Ui Kit React screenshot

React version of Now UI Kit by Creative Tim

Analytics React screenshot

[DEPRECATED AND UNSUPPORTED] The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into your React application.

Alright React App screenshot

Professional React app generator. Comes with an exposed, unopinionated, high performance configuration. Jest, SWC, Storybook, Typescript 5, Webpack 5.

React Starter Template Toolkit Saga screenshot

A template using `create-react-app` combining advantages of `redux-saga` and `redux-toolkit`. Best to use for large-scaled applications. With multi-language (including rtl) and themes

Generator Create Redux App screenshot

Add redux, emotion-js and other useful libraries like react-router in top of create-react-app

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Angular 17 & React 18 & Node Examples App starter

React Mobx State Tree screenshot

Create React App with MobX State Tree, Styled Components and GraphQL

React Material Admin screenshot

Free and open-source admin dashboard app made with React & Material-UI

Vite React Ts screenshot

Vite React-Typescript CRA Replacement Starter Template

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Searchkit starter app. Based off create-react-app

React Mobx Firebase Authentication screenshot

🔥Boilerplate Project for Authentication with Firebase in React and MobX

Cli screenshot



Upload your templates to codesandbox with a single command 🏖️. This repo has been moved here:

OpPortfolio screenshot

A clean portfolio template made with ReactJS.

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Minimal starter boilerplate project with CRA, React, Redux, React Router and Auth0 authentication

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Minimal starter boilerplate project with CRA, React, Redux, React Router and Auth0 authentication

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Minimal starter boilerplate project with CRA, React, Redux, React Router and Auth0 authentication

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Create React App Vite ⚛️

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A real-time chat application built using React (Create React App on the frontend) and NodeJS/Express/ Backend

Cra Template Tailwindcss Typescript screenshot

A streamlined Tailwind CSS template for Create React App in TypeScript

Cra Template Must Have Libraries screenshot

✨ A starter CRA professional React v17 project with must-have ReactJS libraries including TypeScript, SCSS, Redux, Toolkit, Material-UI, Styled Components, React Router, Jest & Enzym, Folder structure, Generate templates, ESLint, Prettier, Recoil

Portfolio screenshot

Personal website, Data scientist portfolio template

Cra Template Typescript Redux screenshot

Unofficial Create React App template with Redux, TypeScript, React Router, React Testing Library and custom ESlint config

React Typescript Starter screenshot

Minimalist React 18 starter template with TypeScript ⚛

Create React Phaser3 App screenshot

Minimal Phaser3 + Create React App template

GraphQL Blueprint screenshot

GraphQL Blueprint: a software developer tool for engineers that want to quickly generate React/Express, Apollo and GraphQL boilerplate code using a data modeling interface. Watch your queries, mutations, and schema update in realtime with our code preview feature and finally, export it when you'r...

Cra Template Quickstart Redux screenshot

Opinionated quickstart Create React App template with Redux, React Testing Library and custom eslint configuration

React Firebase Essentials screenshot

A fully-featured single-page app template, hosted and running in minutes. Based on Create-React-App and Firebase. Written with React-Hooks.

Argon Dashboard Material Ui screenshot

This is the Material UI version of the Argon Dashboard React.

React Typescript Mui With Auth Starter screenshot

React + Material UI + Auth starter using TypeScript (based on Create React App)

React Typescript Mui With Auth Starter screenshot

React + Material UI + Auth starter using TypeScript (based on Create React App)

Create React Boilerplates screenshot

🚀 Create React Boilerplate